Mum by Sherin Aminossehe 

I thought about what I wanted to write about you, when no words seemed enough.

I thought what I wanted to say to you, when you are not here beside me.

I thought of choosing something that another had written, but it wouldn’t contain my voice or your brilliance.

I want to speak of what you are and what you will always be to all of us. You will never be in the past tense for me because you will always be part of me.

You will always be the best mother, grandmother, wife, sister, cousin, friend, architect, artist and garden creator. You will always be Mimi.

You will be there in the photographs around me smiling, beaming with love.

You will be there in every stroke of your amazing drawings around the house and every time I put pen to paper as I pause to think what you would have said.

You are in every pen I hold.

You will be in every flower, tree and blade of grass in the garden all vibrant and full of life.

You will be in every silk tree I see with its delicate flowers.

You are in the birds that come to the garden and the red breasted robin who comes to visit often.

You are in the clothes I wear, when I think of your perfect style.

You will be in the food that I taste as I think that it’s incomparable to yours.

You are in me when I speak, as the one who taught me to be strong, passionate and make my voice heard.

You are with me at every milestone, every celebration as the world changes, I will be telling you my thoughts because I want you to know.

I won’t be able to feel your hand, your hold, your embrace, but you will always be in my heart and in my mind. 

Thank you so much Sherin joon for sharing your heartfelt tribute to your amazing mother. She was blessed to have a loving daughter like you. I can imagine her smiling at you on your birthday with so much joy for the remarkable woman you are. I can hear the sound of her laughter in my mind. You are an angel on this planet radiating love to those around you as your mum did. I LOVE YOU.

NOTE: A Celebration of Life posted on 9/4/2022 about Minoo, her mum

A sample of Sherin’s drawing for Christmas posted on 12/16/2021

In the Spirit of Thanksgiving


Thank you For

who you are

all the gifts from the heart

loving soul

caring for humanity

sharing you’re your time, the most precious gift of all

kind eyes, connecting the soul

warm smile as if all will be ok

loving energy

affirmation of friendship

trust, creating a safe circle of sharing

sharing your stories of what happened 

learning the life lessons without judging them

surrender to what is

one day, one hour and one minute at the time

offering your experiences to others

we don’t live long enough to learn all we need to survive with personal experiences

validating what works in life

what we focus on expands

affirmation of feelings, the essence of who we are

listening, honoring and being present with another when in pain

for offering a hand when needed

a shoulder to cry on

no advice, no prescription, just to be together

offering healing hugs

calling, texting, sending hearts, visiting a friend

for bringing ‘Light’ to darkness

a candle of ‘Hope’

a word of encouragement

a sincere validation

be there not only in a sunny day, in a storm of life

be present when others leave

be a companion with a grieving soul

afflicted with physical, emotional and spiritual pain

This planet is the ‘school ground’

Lessons are offered until we master them

We are here for a purpose

To love self and others unconditionally

We are love

We are energy

We are Divine

We are all connected

We come from a Higher level of Consciousness

Today, I make an agreement with myself to be kind to myself and all other beings. I forgive myself for all harms I caused to others and forgive all who caused me pain. We all do the best we can with every choice give our inner and outer resources. I will practice compassion with myself and all others.

All cruelty springs from weakness.” 
