A Mother’s Day card 


You know me mom, nothing fancy, nothing flowery, just the pure and simple truth

You’re a great mom, and I am lucky to be your son

Through the Eyes of a Mother

When he wraps his whole hand tightly around my pinky finger, I just want to die of love! I like to hold him close to my heart will lull him to sleep. Nothing in the world can steal my tranquility.

When he runs out in the world, I want to hold him back. I’m afraid he’ll get hurt, but he himself if free from fear. He keeps me on my toes.

When he calls 9-1-1 to see if it really works, I want to scream. I have to tell the operator who calls back that it was my son, that he’s still learning about the world, and that I’m sorry. I’ll teach him.

When he brings home his first A, I want to celebrate. It’s only 4th grade and it’s only art, but to him it’s a momentous occasion. I want to honor it.

When the principal calls me and asks me to come in because he got into a fight, I pray he wasn’t hurt. I can’t help but wonder if violence was his first choice, or last. I hope he learns from his mistakes.

When he dresses up for his first high school dance, I feel so proud. I can see him growing up right before my eyes. Watching him reminds me of when he was young. He’ll remember this experience forever. So, will I.

When he graduates from high school, it’s a mix of emotions. He made it through the toughest years of life successfully. I hope I equipped him well for the real world. I hope.

And when he leaves for college, I wonder how time went by so quickly. When did my baby grow into a man? I still see his baby face in my mind smiling back at me. I miss him so much.

Mommy, it can’t be easy to be a mother. Thank you for growing up with me indefinitely.

Rob, a manifestation of Christ consciousness

Rob, a loving, caring and thoughtful human being

His faith is who he is

He shares his gifts and talents wholeheartedly

In generosity, he is the Sun who gives light and warmth to all

Offers classes on his own time and coffee hour for a safe place to share

In patience, he is one in a billion

An educator at heart, takes time in class to respond to questions

Rob, a man of many passions

Being of service to humanity

A mental health nurse, much need for gentle men

A natural gift for connecting to people, the most complex one

Feeling the psyche of the wounded soul, offering loving energy

With out -of -control violent patients in locked wards, a master healer with practical gifts

Let’s get some ice cream

Love heals, wisdom connects

Rob, a family man

 An amazing journey in life with adventure

A world traveler with his beloved wife, knowing how to connect on a soul level

Parents of two remarkable daughters

Faced challenges in life with courage, dignity, integrity and grace

Rob, passion for how cars work

 a collector of vintage cars, rebuild by himself

A community builder based on love, trust, respect, unity and harmony

Creating a soul family we all long for

An encyclopedia of knowledge in medicine, psychology, nursing and spirituality

He is the most dependent person in the community

He conducts class after leaving the hospital to be there for his students

Rob, humble, kind, tolerant and gentle

brings the best in others

Loved and respected by all those who have the honor of knowing him

A purposeful achiever with endless patience to see a thing through

He is not only a gift to the community; he is a gift to humanity.

It has been a blessing to meet him in person and have the honor of being his student


France, A Messenger of Love

A woman to love and honor

A French Canadian

A true Taurus

Ruled by Venus, Goddess of love and beauty

France, Romantic, sentimental and practical

The most dependable in the family and community

Always there for those around her 

Loving eyes, radiant smile, loving energy

Her love radiated for her family

Gratitude to older sister who took the role of a nurturing mother

She became a nurse in birth and delivery

Welcomed babies to this world with a smile

A sacred career of service

Met David in Canada

The souls were connected beyond the difference in languages

They started a life in California

Raised two amazing daughters

Blessed with grandchildren

Her home is welcoming with photos of generations

France, strong, gentle, affectionate and persistent

She is the friend to all neighbors in need

Taking them to MD appointments, celebrating their birthdays with a home- made cake

longing for to be with her siblings in Quebec

Speaking French, remembering her mom’s baking

Her culinary art is rare, unique and delicious 

Having her blue muffins, crème Crème brûlée is experience of a life time

Being her guest is a pleasure and an honor

One is treated with love for the body and the soul

Beauty is reflected in every corner of her home

France, honest, passionate and artistic

She pays attention to details

France, loves music, sings with her beautiful voice

French songs, gifts to the ear and the soul

Her loving spirit is felt melting the hearts

Her garden reflects, she is an Earth Goddess

A gifted writer, the heart and soul of our writers’ group

Warm memories of our gatherings

She stands grounded in her place in the universe

She makes me feel loved

Sitting with her near her fire place is a warm memory for a life time

She is on the Yamaska river with Dave celebrating her birthday today

Joyeaux anniversarie France, my soul sister

You are a true blessing in my life

Merci beaucoup mon ami